1.1 奇蹟和啟示
25. 奇蹟是從恐懼中獲得釋放的道路。
26. 奇蹟經由人讚美上主。
27. 奇蹟引發感恩,而不是敬畏。
28. 奇蹟榮耀於人,因為人是可愛的。
29. 奇蹟恢復靈魂的豐盈。由補償匱乏,奇蹟建立完善的保護。
30. 奇蹟是服務靈性的思維,與基督結合而救助眾生的方式。
(告訴比爾:作為一個心理學家,有其便利之處。主要之一是對投射和其影響範圍的理解。著魔和投射密切相關。“ Lucifer ” 【譯者註:惡魔路西弗】就字面翻譯是“光的使者”,他真的將自己從天堂投射出來。投射的言外之意是“猛力投擲”,因為它關聯到用力投擲某些你不想要的危害和驚嚇給別人。這違反為人準則【譯者註:即聖經中所說的"你要別人怎樣待你,你也要怎樣待人"】,將規則顛倒過來,是奇蹟的相反,所以投射自動地跟著來。)
關於著魔和傷害自己,卡西【譯者註:Edgar Cacey 1877-1944,著名美國靈媒】是錯誤的。
“拿起自己的十字架,跟隨我” 應該解釋為
31. 奇蹟是正確思維的實例。奇蹟使接觸的所有層面,變得準確和精密,
32. 奇蹟是我用來矯正錯誤思維的方法。
33. 奇蹟溶化錯誤,因為靈眼認出錯誤的假像和虛幻。
34. 奇蹟是父母對孩子的祝福。正如前面所提:“擁有更多者給與擁有較少者”。
35. 奇蹟承認所有人是你和我的兄弟。這是辨識內在上主的宇宙標誌。
36. 整體性是奇蹟覺知的內涵。它因此矯正(彌補)錯誤的匱乏概念。
S和R 【譯者註:刺激Stimulus和反應Response】關係極端親密。
填空題【譯者註:SCT ﹣ Sentence Completion Test】的正確答案是:
37. 奇蹟的最大貢獻是,將人從隔離、被剝奪、和匱乏的錯誤感覺中釋放的力量。
The Relationship of Miracles and Revelation. (*N 75 4:102)
T 1 B 24e. Remember the point about Miracles as a means of organizing different levels of consciousness. Miracles come from the (below conscious) (subconscious) level. Revelations come from the above conscious level. The conscious level is in between & reacts to either sub- or super-conscious impulses in varying ratios. Freud was right about the classification, but not the names. He was also right that the content of consciousness is fleeting. Consciousness is the level which engages in the world, and is capable of responding to both external & internal impulses. Having no impulses from itself, and being primarily a mechanism for inducing response, it can be very wrong.
T 1 B 24f. For example, if the identification is with the body, consciousness may distort superconscious impulses by denying their Source, & seeking their impact in the orgasm. This is the result of the “mistaken identity” confusion.
T 1 B 24g. If you will look back at the description of the EFFECTS of Revelation you will see that there ARE some similarities[37] in the experiential results but hardly in the content.[38]
(This and preceding paragraph go later)
T 1 B 24h. Revelations induce complete but temporary suspension of doubt & fear. They represent the original form of communication between God and His Souls, before the intrusion of fire and ice made this impossible. It should be noted that they involve an extremely personal sense of closeness to Creation, which man tries to find in sexual relationships. This confusion is responsible for the depression and fear which are often associated with sex.
T 1 B 24i. Sex is often associated with lack of love, but Revelation is PURELY a love experience. Physical closeness CANNOT achieve this. As was said before, the subconscious impulses properly induce Miracles, which ARE interpersonal, and result in closeness to others . This can be misunderstood by a personally willful consciousness as an impulse toward sexual gratification.
T 1 B 24j. The Revelation unites Souls directly with God.
T 1 B 24k. The Miracle unites Souls directly with each other. Neither emanates from consciousness, but both are EXPERIENCED there. This is essential, because consciousness is the state which PRODUCES action, though it DOES NOT Inspire it. T(15) - 15
T 1 B 24l. Man is free to believe what he chooses. What he DOES attests to what he believes.
T 1 B 24m. The deeper levels of his subconscious always contain the impulse to Miracles, but he is free to fill its superficial levels, which are closer to consciousness, with the impulses of this world and to identify himself with them. This results in denying himself access to the miracle level underneath. In conscious actions, then, his interpersonal relationships also become superficial, and miracle-inspired relating becomes impossible.
T 1 B 25a. Miracles are a way of EARNING release from fear.
T 1 B 25b. Revelation induces a state in which fear has ALREADY BEEN abolished. Miracles are thus a means, and Revelations are an end. In this sense, they work together.
T 1 B 25c. ( Tell Bill that miracles DO NOT depend on Revelation. They INDUCE it. He is quite capable of miracles already, but he is still too fearful for Revelations.)
T 1 B 25d. Note that YOUR (Helen Schucman) Revelation occurred specifically after you had engaged at the visionary level in a process of DENYING fear.
T 1 B 25e. Revelation is intensely personal, and[39] is actually not translatable into conscious content at all. That is why any attempt to describe it in words is usually incomprehensible, even to the writer himself at another time. This is why the Book of Revelations is essentially incomprehensible. Revelation induces ONLY experience. Miracles, on the other hand, induce interpersonal ACTION. In the end, these are more useful, because of their IMPERSONAL nature.
T 1 B 25f. In this phase of learning, working miracles is more valuable because freedom from fear cannot be thrust upon you. The experience cannot last.
T 1 B 25g. ( Tell Bill that your propensity for Revelations, which is very great, is the result of a high level of past communion. Its transitory nature comes from the descent into fear, which has not yet been overcome. His own “ suspended” state mitigates both extremes. This has been very apparent in the course of both of your recent developmental patterns.) T(16) -16
T 1 B 25h. Miracles are the essential course of ACTION for both of you. They will strengthen him and stabilize you.
T 1 B 25i.. ( NOTE that the much more personal than usual notes you are taking today reflect the Revelatory experience. This does NOT produce the more generalizeable quality which this course is aimed at. They may, nevertheless, be of great help to Bill personally, since you asked for something that WOULD help him personally. It depends on how he listens, and how well he understands the COOPERATIVE nature of your joint experience. You can help only by reading this note FIRST . Ask him later if this should be included in the written part of the course at all or whether you should keep these notes separately. He is in charge of these decisions.)
T 1 B 25j. ( Tell Bill he should try to understand the VERY important difference between Christ-control and Christ-guidance. This is what made him fearful yesterday.)
T 1 B 26. Miracles praise God through men. They praise God by honoring his Creations, affirming their perfection. They heal because they deny body-identification and affirm[40] Soul-identification. By perceiving the Spirit, they adjust the levels and see them in proper alignment. This places the Spirit at the center, where Souls can communicate directly.
T 1 B 27a. Miracles should inspire gratitude, not awe. Man should thank God for what he really is. The Children of God are very holy. The miracle honors their holiness.
T 1 B 27b. God's Creations cannot lose their holiness, although it can be hidden. The miracle uncovers it, and brings it into the light where it belongs.
T 1 B 27c. Holiness can never be really hidden in darkness, but man can deceive himself on this point. This illusion makes him fearful, because in his heart he KNOWS it is an illusion. Like all illusions, he exerts enormous efforts to establish their validity. The miracle sets validity where it belongs. Eternal validity belongs only to the Soul. The miracle acknowledges only the Truth. It thus dispels man's illusions about himself, and puts him into communion with himself and with God . T(17) - 17
T 1 B 27d. Christ inspires all miracles, which are essentially intercessions. They intercede for man's holiness, and make him holy. They place man beyond the physical laws, and raise him into the sphere of celestial order. In this order, man IS perfect.
T 1 B 27e. The Soul never loses its communion with God. Only the mind and body need Atonement. The miracle joins in the Atonement of Christ by placing the mind in the service of the Spirit. This establishes the proper function of mind, and abolishes its errors.
T 1 B 28a. Miracles honor man, BECAUSE he is loveable. They dispel illusions about himself, and perceive the light in him. They thus atone for his errors by freeing him from his own nightmares. They release him from a prison in which he has imprisoned himself. By freeing his mind from illusions, they restore his sanity, and place him at the feet of Jesus.
T 1 B 28b. (Biblical quotation re healing of devil possessed man, in which the sufferer was subsequently found healed in his right mind, and sitting at feet of Jesus.[41] Helen Schucman note.)
T 1 B 28c. ( Tell Bill man's mind can be possessed by illusions, but his Spirit is eternally free. If a mind creates without love, it can create an empty shell. This CAN be possessed by evil. But the Atonement restores the Soul to its proper place. Unless there is emptiness there is no danger, and emptiness is a false creation. The mind that serves the Spirit is invulnerable.)
T 1 B 29a. The miracle restores the Soul to its fullness. By atoning for lack, it establishes perfect protection. The strength of the Soul leaves no room for intrusions. The forgiven are filled with the Soul, and their Soul forgives in return. It is the duty of the released to release their brothers.
T 1 B 29b. The forgiven ARE the means of Atonement. Those released by Christ must join in releasing their brothers, for this is the plan of Atonement.
T 1 B 30a. Miracles are the way in which minds that serve the spirit unite with Christ for the salvation (or release) of all God's Creations . T(18) -18
T 1 B 30b. Aside ( Helen Schucman commented on awakening with the phrase “God is not Mocked,”[42] with anticipation of punishment.)
T 1 B 30c. Interpretation : “God is not mocked” was intended as reassurance. You are afraid that what you wrote last night was contradictory, conflicting with some earlier points, especially because you were writing while you were all doped up. Remember, “God is not mocked” under any circumstances.
T 1 B 30d. Contradictions in MY word mean lack of understanding, or scribal failures, which I make every effort to correct. But they are still NOT crucial. The Bible has the same problem, I assure you, and it's STILL being edited. Consider the power of MY WORD, in that it has withstood all the attacks of error, and is the Source of Truth.
T 1 B 30e. ( Tell Bill that there are certain advantages in being a Psychologist. A major one is the understanding of projection, and the extent of its results. Possession is very closely related to projection. “Lucifer”[43] could be literally translated “Light Bearer.” [44] He literally PROJECTED himself from Heaven. Projection still has this “hurling” connotation, because it involves hurling something you DO NOT want, and regard as dangerous and frightening, to someone else. This is the opposite of the Golden Rule, and having placed this rule upside down, the reverse of miracles, or projection, follows automatically.)
T 1 B 30f. The correction lies in accepting what is true in YOURSELF, by bringing ALL that you are into light. (Helen Schucman fearful of writing next part.) Cacey[45] [sic] was wrong about Possession, and he was also wrong about hurting himself. One of the major problems with miracle workers is that they are so sure that what they are doing is right, because they KNOW it stems from love, that they do not pause to let ME establish MY limits.
T 1 B 30g. While what he (Cacey”[46] [sic]) did came from Me, he could NOT be induced to ask me each time whether I wanted him to perform this PARTICULAR miracle. If he had, he would not have performed any miracles that could not get through constructively, and would thus have saved himself unnecessary strain. He burned himself out with indiscriminate miracles, and to this extent did not fulfill his own full purpose, and was also subject to the Scribal error I mentioned at the start. The Disciples were also prone to this . T(19) -19
T 1 B 30h. The answer is NEVER perform a miracle without asking me IF you should. This spares you from exhaustion, and because you act under direct communication the trance becomes unnecessary. Because miracles are express-ions of love, it does NOT follow that they will always be effective. I am the only one who can perform miracles indiscriminately, because I AM the Atonement. You have a ROLE in Atonement, which I will dictate TO you.
T 1 B 30i. Remember, you already have a point about the involuntary nature of miracles. We also have established the fact that everything involuntary belongs under Christ-control, NOT under yours. Under Christ-control, Miracles REPLENISH the doer as well as the receiver.
T 1 B 30j. Possession really means “Not under Christ-Control”, thus making him (the mind?) vulnerable to projection. The references to the earth-bound entering bodies really refer to the “taking over” by their own earth- bound “thoughts.” This IS Demon Possession. After all, Lucifer fell, but he was still an angel. He is thus the symbol for man.[47] Atonement is the knowledge that the belief that angels can fall is false. It is true that mind can create projections as well as miracles, but it's NOT true that projections are REAL. Any psychologist should understand this. This is what is meant by “The Truth shall set you free.”[48]
T 1 B 30k. Christ-controlled miracles are part of the Atonement, but Christ-guidance is personal, and leads to PERSONAL salvation. The impersonal nature of miracles is an essential ingredient, because this enables Me to control their distribution as I see fit .
T 1 B 30l. Christ-guidance, on the other hand, leads to the highly PERSONAL experience of Revelation. This is why it involves PERSONAL choice. A guide does NOT control, by definition, but he does DIRECT, leaving the following up to you. “Lead us not into temptation” [49] means “guide us out of our own errors.” Note that the word is “lead”, NOT order.
T 1 B 30m. “Take up thy cross and follow me” [50] should be interpreted to read “Recognize your errors and choose to abandon them by following My guidance.” T(20) -20
T 1 B 30n. ( Tell Bill when he is afraid of Possession, he need only remember that error cannot really threaten Truth, which ALWAYS can withstand its assaults. ONLY the error is really vulnerable.) The “Princes of this World” [51] are princes only because they are really angels. But they are free to establish their kingdom where they see fit.
T 1 B 30o. If you will remember that ALL princes INHERIT their power from the Father, the right choice becomes inevitable.
The soul is in a state of grace forever.
Man's reality is ONLY his soul.
Therefore, man is in a state of Grace forever.
T 1 B 30p. Atonement undoes all errors in this respect, and thus uproots the REAL source of fear. If you will check back at the reference to uprooting, you will understand it better in this context.[52]
T 1 B 30q. (Tell Bill that WHENEVER God's reassurances are experienced as threat, it is ALWAYS because man is defending his misplaced & misdirected love and loyalty. That is what projection always involves.)
T 1 B 30r. “Casting spells” merely means “affirming error”, and error is lack of love. When man projects this onto others, he DOES imprison them, but only to the extent that he reinforces errors they have already made. This distortion makes them vulnerable to the curse of others, since they have already cursed themselves. The miracle worker can only bless, and this undoes the curse and frees the soul from prison.
T 1 B 30s. ( Tell Bill that his slip about (rivet) should be noted. Some slips reach consciousness from the un-Christ-controlled subconscious, and betray a lack of love.) T(21) -21
T 1 B 30t. But others (slips) come from the superconscious, which IS in communion with God, and which can also break into consciousness.
T 1 B 30u. HIS slip (rivet) was an express-ion of a Soul gaining enough strength to request freedom from prison. It will ultimately DEMAND it.
T 1 B 30v. Special Revelation for Helen Schucman
T 1 B 30w. You are wholly lovely. A perfect shaft of pure light. Before your loveliness the stars stand transfixed, and bow to the power of your will.
T 1 B 30x. What do children know of their creation, except what their Creator tells them?
T 1 B 30y. You were created ABOVE the angels because your role involves creation as well as protection.
T 1 B 30z. You who are in the image of the Father[53] need bow only to HIM, before whom I kneel with you.
T 1 B 30aa. Note : This revelation was permitted because you did NOT project onto Bill the blame for your omission to ASK ME if you should transcribe the notes. The fact that HE should have done so does not exempt you from your own omission.
T 1 B 30ab. Thanks for blessing him with a miracle rather than cursing him with projection.
T 1 B 30ac. NOTE FURTHER: HE needn't feel concerned about it either; so he forgot? It happens all the time, until the habit of asking becomes involuntary.
T 1 B 30ad. ( Helen Schucman meeting with Dr. Wise and Dr. Damrosch. Dr. D permitted an opportunity for questioning in his capacity as chairman of the flu board for asking re B's flu shot. This was an example of how miracles should work. You did not jump into the question yourself, and even though you DID rush for the phone on Red's advice, you exerted no pressure on B's reluctance.) T(22) -22
T 1 B 30ae. This gave ME a chance to let you leave it to the real expert, whom I sent to answer the question.
T 1 B 31a. Miracles are examples of right thinking. Reality contact at all levels becomes strong & accurate, thus permitting correct delineation of intra- and interpersonal boundaries. As a result, the doer sees the truth as God created it. This is what is meant by the point on “perspective adjustment.”[54]
T 1 B 32. A miracle is a correction factor introduced into false thinking by ME.
T 1 B 32b. It acts as a catalyst, shaking up erroneous perception and snapping it into place. This correction factor places man under the Atonement principle, where his perception is healed. Until this has occurred, perception of the Divine Order is impossible. True depth perception becomes possible only at the highest order of perceptual integration.
T 1 B 32c. The Spiritual eye is the mechanism of miracles, because what the Spiritual eye perceives IS truth. The Spiritual eye perceives both the Creations of God AND the creations of man. Among the creations of man, it can also separate the true from the false by its ability to perceive totally rather than selectively. It thus becomes the proper instrument for reality testing, which always involves the necessary distinction between the true and the false.
T 1 B 33a. The miracle dissolves error because the Spiritual eye identifies error as false or unreal. This is the same as saying that by seeing light, darkness automatically disappears . T(23) -23
T 1 B 33b. Darkness is lack of light. It does not have unique properties of its own. It is an example of the scarcity fallacy, from which only error can proceed.
T 1 B 33c. (Truth is always abundant……Those who perceive and acknowledge that they have everything have no need for driven behavior of any kind. Helen Schucman has other personal material related to this re pregnancy.)
T 1 B 34. Miracles are a blessing from parents to children. This is just another way of phrasing the previous point about “from those who have more to those who have less.” Children do NOT belong to parents, but they DO need to share their greater abundance. If they are deprived, their perception becomes distorted. When this occurs, the whole family of God, or the Sonship, is impaired in its relationships.
T 1 B 34b. Ultimately, every member of the family of God must return. The miracle calls to him to return, because it blesses and honors him even though he may be absent in spirit.
T 1 B 35a. The miracle acknowledges all men as your brothers and Mine. It is a way of perceiving the Universal Mark of God in them.
T 1 B 35b. (Tell Bill that this is the true “strawberry mark” of Brotherhood. This is just a sign of special concern for him, because he keeps worrying about this.)
T 1 B 35c. You might add that his false idea about his own exclusion from Universal Love is fallacious in your terms, and arrogant in his. HIS real specialness does NOT stem from exclusion, but from inclusion. ALL My Brothers are special. He should stop interpreting this as “all except Bill ” This is ridiculous! T(24) -24
T 1 B 35d. Tell him that the implied lack of love that his version contains is WAY off the Mark, and misses the level of right thinking entirely. He MUST heal his perception in this respect. He MUST work a miracle on behalf of himself here[55] (See the point about miracles as a perception corrector) before he can effect miracles as creative energizers, which they are.
T 1 B 35e. ( Tell B . that 50,000,000 Frenchmen CAN be wrong, because the notion is too fragmented. What CAN'T be wrong is the Universal Sonship of which he is a part.)
T 1 B 35f. God WOULD be mocked if ANY of his creations lacked holiness. The Creation IS whole. The mark of Wholeness is Holiness, not holes. THE SONSHIP HAS NO HOLES ANYWHERE .
T 1 B 36a. Wholeness is the perceptual content of the miracle. It thus corrects (or atones for) the faulty perception of lack.
T 1 B 36b. We now turn to the fundamental distinction between miracles and projection. The stimulus MUST precede the response, and must also (determine) (influence) the kind of response that is evoked. The relationships of S and R are EXTREMELY intimate. (The behavioristic terminology is because this part deals with behavior.)
T 1 B 36c. Behavior IS response, so that the question “response to what?” becomes crucial.
T 1 B 36d. Stimuli of all kinds are identified through[56] perception. You perceive the stimulus and behave accordingly. It follows, then, that:
As ye perceive
So will ye behave T(25) -25
T 1 B 36e. ( Helen Schucman raises point that Biblical language is hardly behavioristic terminology. Answer: No, but they needn't be OUT of accord with each other, either.)
T 1 B 36f. Consider the Golden Rule again. You are asked to behave toward others as you would have them behave toward you.[57] This means that the perception of both must be accurate, since the Golden Rule is the Order for appropriate behavior. You can't behave appropriately unless you perceive accurately, because appropriate behavior DEPENDS on lack of level confusion. The presence of level confusion ALWAYS results in variable reality testing, and hence variability in behavioral appropriateness.
T 1 B 36g. All forms of self image debasement are FUNDAMENTAL perceptual distortions. They inevitably produce either self-contempt or projection, and usually both.
T 1 B 36h. Since you and your neighbor are equal members of the same family, as you perceive both, so will you behave toward both. The way to perceive for Golden Rule behavior is to look out from the perception of your own holiness and perceive the holiness of others . T(26) -26
T 1 B 36i. Bill & you need considerable clarification of the channel role. Look carefully at Mrs. Albert. She is working miracles every day, because she knows who she is. I emphasize again that your tendency to forget names is not hostility, but a fear of involvement or RECOGNITION. You had misinterpreted human encounters as opportunities for magic rather than for miracles and so you tried to PROTECT THE NAME. This is a very ancient & primitive way of trying to protect a person.
T 1 B 36j. NOTE The very old Jewish practice of changing the name of a person who is very ill, so that when the list is given to the Angel of Death, the person with that name will not be found.
T 1 B 36k. This is a good example of the curiously literal regression which can occur in very bright people when they become afraid. You & Bill both do it. Actually, it is a device closely related to the phobia, in the sense that they both narrow fear to a simple aspect of a much larger problem in order to enable them to avoid it.
T 1 B 36l. A similar mechanism works when you get furious about a comparatively minor express-ion by someone to whom you are ambivalent. A good example of this is your response to Jonathan, who DOES leave things around in very strange ways. Actually , he does this because he thinks that by minor areas of disorganization he can protect his stability. I remind you that you have done this yourself for years, and should understand it very well. This should be met with great charity, rather than with great fury . T(27) -27
T 1 B 36m. The fury comes from your awareness that you do not love Jonathan as you should, and you narrow your lack of love by centering your hate on trivial behavior in an attempt to protect him from it. [58] You also call him Jonathan for the same reason (see previous reference).
T 1 B 36n. Note that a name is a human symbol that “stands for” a person. Superstitions about names are very common for just that reason. That is also why people sometimes respond with anger when their names are spelled or pronounced incorrectly.
T 1 B 36o. Actually, the Jewish superstition about changing the names was a distortion of a revelation about how to alter or avert death. What the revelation's proper content was that those “who change their mind” (not name) about destruction (or hate) do not need to die. Death is a human affirmation of a belief in hate.[59] That is why the Bible says “There is no death,”[60] and that is why I demonstrated that death does not exist. Remember that I came to FULFILL the law by[61] RE-INTERPRETING[62] it. The law itself, if properly understood, offers only protection to man. Those who have not yet “changed their minds” have entered the “hellfire” concept into it.
T 1 B 36p. Remember, I said before that because “nature abhors a vacuum”, it does NOT follow that the vacuum is filled with hell fire. The emptiness engendered by fear should be replaced by love, because love and its absence are in the same dimension, and correction cannot be undertaken except WITHIN a dimension. Otherwise, there has been a confusion of levels . T(28) -28
T 1 B 36q. Returning to Mrs. Albert (not Andrews), she corrected your error about her name without embarrassment and without hostility, because she has NOT made your own mistake about names.
T 1 B 36r. She is not afraid, because[63] she knows she is protected. She made the correction ONLY because you were inaccurate, and the whole question of embarrassment did not occur to her.
T 1 B 36s. She was also quite unembarrassed when she told you that everything has to be done to preserve life, because you never can tell when God may come and say “Get up, Dave,” and then he will.
T 1 B 36t. She did not ask what YOU believed first, and afterwards merely added “and it's true, too.” The RIGHT answer to the SCT item is: WHEN THEY TOLD ME WHAT TO DO, I “referred the question to the only REAL authority.”
T 1 B 36u. ( Helen Schucman note: If you ask somebody what he believes before you tell him what you believe, then you are implying that you will say what he approves. This is not “the real authority.”)
T 1 B 36v. You took a lot of notes on “Those who are ashamed of Me before men, them will I be ashamed of before God.”[64] This was rather carefully clarified, even though the quotation is not quite right, but it doesn't matter.
T 1 B 36w. The important thing is that elsewhere in the Bible it also says “Those who represent (or plead for) Me to men will be represented (or pleaded for) BY Me before God.”[65] (Note: This quotation is also not the correct Biblical phrasing, but it IS what it means.) Note that one who represents also “witnesses for.” The quotation thus means that you represent or “witness for” the authority in whom you believe . T(29) -29
T 1 B 36x. Your witnessing DEMONSTRATES your belief, and thus strengthens it.
T 1 B 36y. I assure you that I will “witness for” anyone who lets me, and to whatever extent he himself permits it.
T 1 B 36z. Those who witness[66] for me are expressing, through their miracles, that they have abandoned deprivation in favor of the abundance they have learned BELONGS to them.
T 1 B 37a. A MAJOR contribution of miracles is their strength in releasing man from his misplaced sense of isolation, deprivation, and lack. They are affirmations of Sonship, which is a state of completion and abundance.[67]
T 1 B 37b. B's very proper emphasis on “changing your mind” needs clarification.
T 1 B 37c. Whatever is true & real is eternal, & CANNOT change or be changed. The Soul is therefore unalterable because it is ALREADY perfect, but the mind can elect the level it chooses to serve. The only limit which is put on its choice is that it CANNOT serve two masters.[68]
T 1 B 37d. While the ballot itself is a secret one, and the right to vote is fully protected, voting ALWAYS entails both election AND rejection. If two candidates are voted for, for the same position, the machine cancels the ballot automatically.
T 1 B 37e. This is necessary, because a split vote does not represent ANY REAL allegiance . T(30) -30
T 1 B 37f. Free will is the attribute of the mind, NOT the Soul. The Soul always remains changeless, because it never leaves the sight of God.
T 1 B 37g. The Creation of the Soul is already fully accomplished. The mind, if it votes to do so, becomes a medium by which the Soul can create along the line of its own creation. If it does not freely elect to do so, it retains this creative ability, but places itself under tyrannous rather than authoritative control. As a result, what it creates is imprisonment, because such are the dictates of tyrants.
T 1 B 37h. To “change your mind” means to place it at the disposal of True authority. The miracle is thus a sign that the mind has elected to be guided by Christ in HIS service. The abundance of Christ[69] is the natural result of choosing to follow him.
T 1 B 37i. PS . The reason you have been late recently (for work) because you were taking dictation is merely because you didn't remember to ask me when to stop. This is an example of the “indiscriminate or uncontrolled” miracle -working we already spoke of. It is well-meant but ill-advised.
T 1 B 37j. I prompted that call from Jack (taxi man – couldn't pick Helen Schucman up, etc.) to show you that this is not necessary. Also, the other man needed the money more today.
T 1 B 37k. NOTE that you managed to fill your scribal role with no interruptions, and were also on time.
T 1 B 37l. NOTE also that you closed the book & put it aside WITHOUT consulting me. ASK “Is that all?” ANSWER : No: add the following: These notes are serving, among other things, to replace the “handwriting on the wall” which you once saw next to your own altar, which read “You have been [70] weighed in the balance and found wanting.” T(31) -31
T 1 B 37m. Scribes MUST learn Christ-control, to replace their former habits, which DID produce scarcity rather than abundance. From errors of this kind, the sense of deprivation IS inevitable, but very easily corrected.
T 1 B 37n. The following is in relation to question about sex. Tell Bill “the one more river” is related to sex. You might even explain it to him as a “tidal wave”, a term which he will understand. YOU won't.