2019年4月7日 星期日

猶太人十句人生箴言 10 proverbs from Jews

猶太人十句人生箴言   10 proverbs from Jews

1. 一杯清水因滴入一滴污水而變污濁,一杯污水卻不會因一滴清水的存在而變清澈。

A drop of dirty water will contaminate a glass of clean water, whereas a drop of clean water will not purify a glass of dirty water.

2. 這世上有三樣東西是別人搶不走的:


There are three things in the world that people can not take away from you:
a. the food in your stomach,
b. the dream in your bosom,
c. the knowledge in your mind.

3. 馬在鬆軟的土地上易失蹄,人在甜言蜜語中易摔跤。

Horses are liable to stumble over soft grounds, so are people over sweet talks.

4. 世界沒有悲劇和喜劇之分,如果你能從悲劇中走出來,那就是喜劇,如果你沉緬於喜劇之中,那它就是悲劇。

There is no distinction between tragedy and comedy. The tragedy you can get over from is a piece of comedy; the comedy you indulge yourself with is a piece of tragedy.

5. 如果不讀書,行萬里路也不過是個郵差。

Without reading, you are nothing but a mailman even you've trod thousands of miles.

6. 當你的鄰居在深夜兩點彈鋼琴時你別氣惱,你可以在四點鐘時叫醒他,並告訴他你很欣賞他的演奏。

Don't get riled up when your neighbor plays piano at two o'clock in the morning; you can wake him up at four and tell him of your admiring his performance.

7. 如果你只是等待,發生的事情只會是你變老了。

If you do nothing but wait, you'll find the only thing would happen is your getting old.

8. 真正的朋友不是在一起有聊不完的話,而是即使不說一句話也不覺得尷尬。

Real friendship doesn't mean endless talks when people getting together; instead, it means no need of an ice-breaker even there is only silence between them.

9. 時間是治療心靈創傷的大師,但絕不是解決問題的高手。

Time is a master of curing trauma, but absolutely not an expert in solving problems.

10. 寧願做過了後悔,也不要錯過了後悔。

It'd better regret of doing something, rather than regret of missing something.

